New Year, new job: Some unique interview questions to help you prepare

06.01.21 08:31 PM By hitu

Unique Interview Questions: 5 Cut-to-the-chase Questions to Reveal a Candidate's True Colors

The 5 most unique interview questions to find talent that shines✨

Unique interview question #1— What feedback would you give yourself as a manager in your last/current role?

“Look for consistency and emerging themes in the candidate's responses.”—Hitu Sood PhD, Founder of HITU HR Solutions

As a seasoned HR and recruitment pro with 2+ decades of interview experience, Dr. Hitu Sood definitely knows her stuff when it comes to the most interesting interview questions. 

For her, getting to truly know your candidate is all about taking it slow: she starts by scheduling a few shorter interview rounds (so she can check for consistency), and moving slowly from behavioral to more informal questions.

“Look for consistency and emerging themes in the candidate's responses. I like to interview people a few times, especially for permanent full-time management roles. If what they share during each interview matches with what they have said previously you know that they are authentic. Also, it helps to get to know them better. I am not for long interviews but a few short ones under an hour, probably 45 minutes at most, asking behavioral questions and slowly moving to more informal conversational questions as you get to know the candidate better.”

When it comes to her top questions, Hitu turns the table on candidates and asks them to give their own opinions of themselves as an employee.

“My favorite unique interview questions are ‘What is your ideal team and work environment?’ and ‘What feedback would you give yourself as a manager in your last/current role?’” says Hitu.

Key takeaway: Consistency = Authenticity. Screen for consistency by scheduling a few short 30-45 minute interviews. To read the full article click on Breezy HR Blog.

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